As a new mom I remember feeling so overwhelmed by all the things the big stores say you need for a newborn.
I was completely clueless when it came to what items I would ACTUALLY need for my newborn. I also had no idea what things to put on my registry.
All of the guides I found were extremely long lists of expensive things that I ended up not using or item I could have lived without and saved the money on.
This is the guide I wish I would have had 3 babies ago!
Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. When you click these links, I may get a small commission. It won’t cost you anything, but it helps me to run this site. I only promote products and services that I think are great. The thoughts and opinions in this article are my own from my personal experiences.
1. Baby Gear Must Haves
- Snuggle Me Organic Bare | Baby Lounger & Infant Floor Seat
- 4moms mamaRoo Multi-Motion Baby Swing
- LÍLLÉbaby Complete All Seasons Ergonomic 6-in-1 Baby Carrier
- Graco SnugRider Elite Car Seat Carrier & Carseat
- Hatch Rest+ Baby Sound Machine
- Fisher-Price Sanrio Baby Infant-to-Toddler Rocker
- Graco Pack ‘n Play Quick Connect Playard
2. Bath & Diapering Must Haves
- Aquaphor
- Bumco Diaper Cream Spatula
- NailFrida by FridaBaby
- NoseFrida by FridaBaby
- FridaBaby 3-in-1 Infrared Thermometer
- FridaBaby 3-in-1 Humidifier
- Cetaphil Baby Shampoo and Body Wash
- Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion
- DermaFrida The Baby Bath Brush by FridaBaby
- Angelcare Baby Bath Seat
- 3-in-1 Picker by FridaBaby
3. Toys & Learning
- Fisher-Price Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat
- Baby Play Mat
- Fat Brain Toys pipSquigz Loops
- Sassy Tummy Time See Me Floor Mirror
- Boon Silicone Teether
- On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman
- Love You Forever by Robert Munsch & Sheila McGraw
- Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney & Anite Jeram
4. Clothing
- HALO 100% Cotton Sleepsack Swaddle
- Cloud Island 3pk Zip-Up Sleep N’ Play
- Cloud Island 3pk Basic Hat
- Burp Clothes
- Muslin Swaddles
- Barefoot Dreams Baby Blanket
- Short Sleeve Baby Onesie Bodysuits
- Long Sleeve Baby Onesie Bodysuits
- Baby Socks
- Cloud Island Baby Pants

Baby Gear Must Haves
1. Snuggle Me Organic Bare | Baby Lounger & Infant Floor Seat
This lounger is a must have for me because it is able to be used so many times and it so portable.
I would take this when we went to visit family, on vacation, to the park, to the pool and so many more places. It is so useful in the newborn days because NEWBORNS SLEEP ALOT!
So unless you are wanting to hold your baby for every nap, which is totally fine believe me I have had my fair share of snuggle days, it is great to use to nap on the go so you can keep an eye on them.
2. 4moms mamaRoo Multi-Motion Baby Swing
This baby swing is a true game changer. All of my babies have loved this swing.
It is easy to find a setting that your baby will love, especially since it is so easily adjustable with Bluetooth.
As a mom who has had a c-section, in those first days post-op it is nice to be able to change the movement, speed, or sound playing on your baby’s swing without having to get up, and God forbid bend over.
3. LÍLLÉbaby Complete All Seasons Ergonomic 6-in-1 Baby Carrier Newborn to Toddler
This carrier is a newborn item that is able to be used well into the toddler years. I love this because I have been able to carry my newborn up to my 5 year old in this.
I love all the different ways you can wear this carrier. I absolutely love the option to baby wear on your hip I find this one the most helpful during homeschooling where I really need to use my other hand to help one of my older kids.
The fact that this is on the lower end of cost when it comes to baby carriers like this is extremely surprising to me and makes this item a great value.
4. Graco SnugRider Elite Car Seat Carrier Stroller & GRACO SnugFit 35 Elite Infant Car Seat Baby Car Seat with Anti Rebound Bar
I definitely recommend this type of stroller frame with any car seat.
I did not have this with my first two babies and I definitely wish I would have!
My first I thought I would be fine with the jogging stroller that came with his carseat. This ended up being such a pain because it was so bulky and so heavy to get in and out of the car especially for quick errands.
Then once I had my second I thought I would be okay to only use my double stroller and a small umbrella stroller. This was so inconvenient having to think about which stroller I would need in my car for the day.
The frame makes it so easy to run into a store or to even park beside your table to go out to eat. I loved that it was compatible with the car seat so if my baby was sleeping there was no need to transfer him to a different stroller.
5. Hatch Rest+ Baby Sound Machine
This sound machine has turned into one of the most used items in my house across the board. It is a great sound machine that everyone in your house will benefit from in someway.
I have noticed my babies have all slept better with it and slept longer, and in those early days, every minute counts when it comes to sleep for both mama and baby.
6. Fisher-Price Sanrio Baby Infant-to-Toddler Rocker
This is the rocker I had with Asher, which he absolutely loved.
I love having some type of rocker for my babies because they love being around you all the time and this is the easiest way to keep an eye on them while they nap or play so you can free up your hands to do one of the many other tasks that comes along with motherhood.
7. Graco Pack ‘n Play Quick Connect Playard
Every mom needs to get a Pack ‘N Play!
I got my Pack ‘N Play with my first baby and every single one of my kids has used it. It is one of the one time investments that you will hold onto until you are done having babies!
I highly recommend this one for the changing table attachment alone. It has come in handy during vacations or visits with family. So you have a set place to change diapers and keep all your supplies.
We have even used it as a bassinet when they are still so little because it has a netting that raises the mattress up so it is perfect to go in your room for the first few months as well.
Then as your baby grows and starts to sit up and crawl around it makes the perfect containment for them to still explore but safely.

Bath & Diapering Must Haves
1. Aquaphor
I swear by this as a diaper cream. It has always worked wonders on all 3 of my boys. Especially when used as a preventative.
2. Bumco Diaper Cream Spatula
This is a great tool to have at your changing table and keep the smaller one in your diaper bag.
The Bumco Spatula also comes in handy when you have longer nails also so that cream doesn’t get stuck under your finger nails.
3. NailFrida by FridaBaby
I love that it comes with both, nail clippers and nail files, because when they are only a few days, weeks and even up to about 4 months I prefer to file my baby’s nails over clipping them. I will usually do it while they are in the bath or right after the bath so that way the nails are soft and clean.
4. NoseFrida by FridaBaby
This is hands down a baby must, especially if you have a baby born anywhere near cold and flu season.
The odds are your baby unfortunately will get a runny nose at some point. Along with the humidifier and thermometer these are the tools that will get you through it.
This works hands down better than any bulb, which if you don’t know gets moldy and gross very easily.
The NoseFrida comes with sponge filters you change out, so you will NEVER suck up snot. You can also take it completely apart to clean after each use.
5. FridaBaby 3-in-1 Infrared Thermometer
The fact you can get your babies temperature without waking them up is seriously all you need to know.
Sleep is so precious with babies, especially sick babies. I love that I can just scan my kid’s head without waking them to get their temperature.
Kids also don’t outgrow fevers, so this is the tool that will get used for years and years.
6. FridaBaby 3-in-1 Humidifier
The versatility of this humidifier speaks for itself. It is great for when your baby has a cold, especially during the newborn period when there isn’t too much you can do for them to provide relief during a cold.
This is also great to have for your nursery if you live in a dryer climate to use all year.
7. Cetaphil Baby Shampoo and Body Wash
8. Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion
I have loved using this wash/shampoo and lotion for all of my babies. It is so gentle and moisturizes the skin to near perfection.
Also, it smells amazing while also not taking away from the natural baby smell because who doesn’t love that newborn baby smell.
9. DermaFrida The Baby Bath Brush by FridaBaby
I have used this brush on all three of my babies. It is wonderful at preventing oil buildup and cleaning their scalp while also being so gentle as to avoid irritating the skin.
10. 3-in-1 Picker by FridaBaby
This is a great tool! The base is wider and makes it where you can’t just shove it too far in their ear or nose or anything.
Babies can be nasty sometimes. Your gonna have to pick a booger or get some earwax out or get something from under their nails and this is the perfect tool to do it as safe as possible.
11. Angelcare Baby Bath Seat
This bath seat is my favorite. I have used it with 2 of my 3 babies and prefer it over the bathtub style I had with my first.
It is especially convenient if you have 2 kids you are wanting to bathe at once. Because it is small enough that there is plenty of room in the bathtub for another child to fit.
It also works in a sink. My sink at home does not have a divider so, I am not sure it would work in one with a divider. However, I do know it works perfectly if you do not have a divider.
This bath seat is also so easy to clean. I will typically soak all our bath toys in a bleach and water solution in the bathtub and I will just throw the seat in there with it.
However, I have never found any mildew on it since it dries so fast.

Toys & Learning
1. Fisher-Price Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat
I absolutely loved this seat for Asher. I wish I had it for Cayden and Noah but I will definitely be keeping it for potentially future babies.
I loved the portability of this seat. Along with the way it folds up and is so easy to carry.
2. Baby Play Mat
I could not find the exact mat that I have (I found it at TJMaxx) but this one is SOOO similar. I think a lot of times as a new mom I would get caught up in all of the things with the flashing lights and noises.
However, I found that for my babies and me that was so overstimulating. The simple ones like this are great because they are still attention-grabbing but not over the top.
I found that my baby was more willing to lay and play on my simple mat for the full amount of tummy/play time versus the mat I had with all the bells and whistles.
3. Fat Brain Toys pipSquigz Loops
My boys have had so many teethers over the years. These are by far one of my favorites. I always have one handy.
I love these for many reasons but my top reason is that it has a suction cup that actually works, which is so handy when you go out to eat or need a distraction while you prepare their food while they are in the highchair.
The shape of these is also so easy for them to grab, hold on to, and chew on.
4. Sassy Tummy Time See Me Floor Mirror
Asher and Noah were so obsessed with looking at themselves in the mirror. Honestly, the entertainment value of watching them discover what a mirror is is worth the money and more. I have so many sweet memories of my boys discovering “the other baby” in the mirror.
5. Boon Silicone Teether
This is another great teether I always have handy. The shape is perfect for little hands and the nubs that come off are perfect for teething and are not long enough to make your baby gage or anything like that (unless they are very sensitive).
6. On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman
This baby book is one that will bring you to tears, in a good way. It is so sweet I absolutely love reading this one to my babies.
7. Love You Forever by Robert Munsch & Sheila McGraw
This book touches my heart and brings tears to my eyes every time I read it to my boys.
I think especially being a boy mom and seeing the stages that they go through it just pulls at my mama heart every time.
8. Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney & Anite Jeram
This is one of those book I remember my mom reading to me as a kid (along with the one listed above). So, in my eyes that makes it a classic.
I remember my mom and I would always go back and forth telling each other we loved the other to the moon and back. And now I get the honor of doing the same thing with my boys.

1. HALO 100% Cotton Sleepsack Swaddle
This is the swaddle I have used for Asher and Noah. They both loved it during their newborn days. It kept them from waking from the startle reflex babies have.
This swaddle is extremely easy to put your baby.
You can also leave their arms untucked. This prolonged the use of this sleeper for me because Noah and Asher both hit a point where they did not like to be fully swaddled anymore. So, instead of having to buy a different swaddle I was able to untuck their arms.
2. Cloud Island 3pk Zip-Up Sleep N’ Play
These are the only sleepers I have kept to pass down to each of my boys.
They are amazing quality sleepers. Some of mine have lasted through all three boys and some are new because they have such cute designs that I can’t resist.
I love the inverted zipper. It has come in handy so much (especially since my boys have all been cold weather babies) during diaper changes so I can just unzip the bottom and change them without getting too cold.
The lightweight fabric is also just the perfect material for babies regardless of if you have a “hot pocket” sleeper, like I have, or not.
These sleepers also have built in mitts which is such a game changer. The packs of mitts you can buy for newborns NEVER STAY ON! These are the only newborn sleepers I have purely for the fact that they have mitts that fold over the sleeves. They also offer the mitts in the larger sizes. So if your baby is on the larger end of the scale, like all of mine have been, you can still get the sleepers with the built-in mitts.
3. Cloud Island 3pk Basic Hat
4. Muslin Swaddles
Muslin Swaddles are a baby item that has so many uses. It can be a burp cloth, nursing cover, swaddle, baby blanket, carseat cover, etc.
The muslin fabric is also perfect because it is still breathable. So it will keep your baby warm but it will also keep them from overheating so easily in warmer weather.
5. Barefoot Dreams Baby Blanket
This baby blanket is basically the definition of cozy. I got one of these for my Asher and I wish I would have known about it earlier so all of my boys would have had one before getting attached to their other blankies. However, I did get the adult version for myself because I loved it so much!
6. Cloud Island Short Sleeve Baby Onesie Bodysuits
7. Cloud Island Long Sleeve Baby Onesie Bodysuits
8. Carter’s Just One You® Baby 4pk Chenille Socks
9. Cloud Island Baby Pants
The items listed above are my everyday go-to clothes for my babies. I love that you can buy a complete matching set from the cloud island brand.
The fact they are interchangeable and able to mix-n-match makes it almost mindless to get your baby dressed for the day in the morning, especially if you have other kids to get ready.

Other Items you may need
1. Bottles
All three of my babies have used different bottles. My recommendation when it comes to bottles would be to buy a few different brands of single bottles to try out and see what your baby prefers before you buy a pack of more.
2. Pacifiers
Like with the bottles all three of my babies have preferred different pacifiers in the beginning or none at all. So I have always taken a few different brands to the hospital to test out for the first few weeks.

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